WELCOME!We're glad that you're considering Cornerstone United Methodist Church. From challenging and inspiring worship to small groups and Bible studies, to feeding ministries and mission opportunities, ALL people are invited to take an active role in caring for our community and our church family at Cornerstone UMC!
What time is worship?
Our Awakening Worship Service will be on Sundays at 9:00 am and features music led by our praise team. Children and adults help lead the prayer time and scripture reading, while Pastor Jonathan shares a biblically-based message of hope and redemption.
Our Heritage Worship Services will begin at 11:00 am and be led by our chancel choir director, choir, and accompanist. Other instruments, such as handbells and even bassoon are occasionally featured! Parts of the service are led by church members (liturgists) and Pastor Jonathan shares a sermon that always connects the cross and empty tomb to our mission in the world today.
Click here for more information about Worship at Cornerstone!
Our Heritage Worship Services will begin at 11:00 am and be led by our chancel choir director, choir, and accompanist. Other instruments, such as handbells and even bassoon are occasionally featured! Parts of the service are led by church members (liturgists) and Pastor Jonathan shares a sermon that always connects the cross and empty tomb to our mission in the world today.
Click here for more information about Worship at Cornerstone!
What about Childcare?
We welcome children in worship with all the energy, joy and laughter they may bring with them! We supply activity boxes for our kids in 6th grade and under so that they can be creative and doing something while still being present in the worship space.
Our Nursery Ministry is for children who are newborn through 3-years-old. It is located in the back right-hand side of the Sanctuary. Look for the welcome center. The nursery is available during 9 AM and 11 AM worship as well as most special church services.
Click here for more information about children’s ministries!
Our Nursery Ministry is for children who are newborn through 3-years-old. It is located in the back right-hand side of the Sanctuary. Look for the welcome center. The nursery is available during 9 AM and 11 AM worship as well as most special church services.
Click here for more information about children’s ministries!
What about parking?
Cornerstone has a large parking lot in front of the building with spots at the front specifically marked for our guests and anyone with a handicap parking placard or disability tag. All of our facilities are on ground level with multiple ramps to assist with curbs and sidewalks.
What is the attire?
People wear everything from jeans and shorts to dresses and suits. Please come as you feel most comfortable to worship!
What happens when I first come in?
Upon entering the Sanctuary, a member of our Usher/Greeter team will welcome you and give you a bulletin. Feel free to visit our WELCOME CENTER located at the back of the sanctuary. Information is available for Sunday school classes, small groups, and many other ways to get connected. The welcome center is staffed each week with a volunteer who can always answer any questions you may have and to point you in the right direction.
What do you do with the information I fill out?
If you worship in person on a Sunday at 9 AM or 11 AM and indicated that you are a first-time guest, you will be contacted by Pastor Jonathan or a member of our church who will welcome you and do their best to answer any questions you may have regarding our church and our ministries!
We do not share your contact information with people outside our congregation. Even then, there is very limited access to any phone numbers, emails, etc. that you submit (2-4 people). If at anytime you no longer wish to receive communication from us, just call the office and let us know.
We do not share your contact information with people outside our congregation. Even then, there is very limited access to any phone numbers, emails, etc. that you submit (2-4 people). If at anytime you no longer wish to receive communication from us, just call the office and let us know.
If you have any other questions, please call the church office at (870) 932-2718 or send us an email. We cannot wait to meet you!